🔬 VaporLens
Compelling story, excellent voice-acting
Improved graphics, toggleable originals
Includes extensive bonus content
Runs well on modern systems
High-quality, faithful remaster
Underwhelming graphical enhancements overall
Dated, clunky controls and gameplay
Soul Reaver 2: Poor combat
Numerous bugs and crashes
Problematic camera system
SR1: Exploration; SR2: Linear, Combat
Core gameplay: puzzles and exploration
SR2: Clunky, forced combat
Realm-shifting enables puzzle-solving
New day/night cycle is flawed
Good Steam Deck performance/battery
Locked 60 FPS, ultra-wide support
Nonexistent load times
Works on Linux
Excellent remaster; play it!
Hoping for series revival/continuation
Soul Reaver 1 is superior
Technical issues; wait for patches
Requesting remasters of other games
Extensive bonus content included
Complex, multi-game narrative
Convoluted story
Classic gameplay; dated mechanics
Original issues not addressed