🔬 VaporLens
Fun, engaging core gameplay
Frequent updates and hero variety
Appealing graphics and sound design
Rewarding battle pass system
Quick matchmaking and responsive interface
Broken promises, predatory monetization
Unbalanced heroes, forced meta
Overpriced, unrewarding cosmetic system
Unbalanced, manipulative matchmaking
Tank role is frustrating, stressful
Shift to 5v5: Mixed reception
Emphasis on counter-picking
Teamwork is essential for success
Easy to learn, hard master
Diverse heroes, varied skill floor
Generally smooth, optimized performance
Unfair leaver penalties
Long queue times
New season introduced bugs
Hitboxes seem inaccurate
Divided opinions on current state
Play with friends for enjoyment
Toxicity is a major issue
Free-to-play is worth trying
Uncertain long-term future
Review bombing due to unfulfilled promises
Cosmetic-focused, non-P2W monetization
Lacks polish, localization issues
Concerns about Blizzard's ethics