🔬 VaporLens
Humorous, engaging story and characters
Rewarding open-world exploration
Creative use of Greek mythology
Fluid and enjoyable combat system
Humorous Zeus and Prometheus narration
Excessive, repetitive, uninspired puzzles
Shallow and repetitive combat
Bloated, repetitive open world
Frequent crashes and bugs
Ubisoft launcher issues
Streamlined Ubisoft-style open-world
Divine powers enhance gameplay
DLCs offer new content
Inconsistent PC performance and optimization
Good translation and audio
Long game startup time
Game process doesn't end
Sword disappearing bug
Enjoyable, solid open-world adventure
Best purchased on sale
Similar to Breath of the Wild
Play on highest difficulty
Suitable for wide age range
Ubisoft open-world formula
Conflicting opinions on age appropriateness
Cosmetic cash shop present
Limited post-game exploration
Repetitive weapon/armor variations