🔬 VaporLens
Relaxing, chill, cozy experience
Stunning visuals and audio
Unique floating island base
Simple, intuitive, well-optimized gameplay
Enjoyable and creative base-building
Lacks content, repetitive gameplay
Game riddled with bugs/crashes
Poor optimization, unstable multiplayer
Poor guidance, unclear mechanics
Shallow, clunky combat system
Explore, build, restore floating islands
Experiment-based crafting and progression
Relaxed, exploration-focused gameplay
Core mobile base building mechanic
Fluid combat and free gliding
Smooth performance for some
Developers actively fixing bugs
Minor gameplay/localization issues
Rubber-banding after update
Need DLSS/DLAA support
Relaxing, fun, promising survival-craft
Significant issues; not recommended
Improve island generation/exploration
Value depends on playtime
Mixed opinions for Raft fans
Early Access, active development
Unique sky island setting
Appealing core concept
Cozy, appealing aesthetics
Responsive development team